Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pacific Airwave K4 May 4th, 2017

Pacific Airwave K4

I opened up the Teddy Mack Pacific Airwave K4 today to take a look. There was a lot of sand inside,   I brushed them off and clean the sail. Since I'm not sure how long this glider will be in my backyard. I wrap up the glider with two layers of plastic bag.

This is what I found so far:
  1. Some abrasion wear spots on leading edge.
  2. Air frame looks fine.
  3. Cables and bolts kind of rusty.
  4. Missing basetube lock pin bolt.
  5. Small dent on the right side washout tube.

See photos:

pics misc

Enrique Toyota 4 runner tilted to the ditch on hwy 14 in 2010