Lakeview Day Two 6/29/16 Wednesday.
l met up with Greg around 9:30am at the Chamber office after breakfast. Another Calif hang pilot Scott Huber arrived and we headed down to Sugar to join him after dropped off my car at the Base Camp Park. We arrived Sugar launch at 12:30am and strong cycles was already blowing straight up at launch about 10-20mph (not much winds at the LZ). Certainty it was soarable but since we don't have a driver plus no retrieve vehicles at the bottom so I decided to drive for Greg. They launched between 1:35pm to 1:55pm and both got up 500 to 1000 ft above launch. Greg landed an hour later about a mile north of New Pine Creek town (approx 15 miles north of Sugar and 15 miles south of Lakeview). Scott hired a local driver and I think he ended up a bit further north. It was only 3:30pm after I picked up Greg so we headed straight to Black Cap to get a flight. The cycles at Black Cap launch were kind of like yesterday that light and cross wind on and off sometimes but got some good thermals on the north side above Hwy 395. Greg launched after me and he hooked up few good thermals that he was able to made it above launch. Since he need to meet up his brother for dinner so he flew for 30 mins and landed at the campsite. My flight was shorter than Greg and I wasn't high enough make it to the campsite so I landed at the huge field on the east side of the Hwy 395 across from our campsite with zero wind at the LZ. Forecast call for NNE tomorrow so most likely we are not going to get any flights until Friday. Or maybe drive one hour up to Hadley Butte?