Many paragliders came out today including from: Canada, Bend, OR, and Hood River.... had a great day of soaring at Cape Lookout. Most had long flights from 2 to 4:30 and all had a safe landings during early afternoon even without much beach until around 4 pm. l didn't launch until 5 pm due to wind diminishing as the day continued. Everyone landed when I ready to launch so I having the sky to myself. I was prepared for a sled ride but turned out soarable ; got right up slowly. Ridge lifts were often weak and ocean thermals were light. Ray B and PGs John , Rob S, John S joined me later. We experienced some solid lifts once we crossed the gap to the cape. A few thermals took me to 1,700 ft when the temperature dropped down to 41 degrees after 6 pm. Most of the time I was able to maintain between 900 to 1,200 ft; ended my flight at 7:35 pm (2.5 hrs sunset flight) landed right after Ray. I'll check out Oceanside tomorrow morning.
Btw, Ray had a good flight at Kilchris during early afternoon with a big group of PGs too.
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