Monday, May 4, 2015

7 flights 13.5 hrs Four days trip at Oregon Coast Cape Lookout 04-30-15 to 05-03-15

April 30th (Thursday)
1 flight 2 hours 15mins
2 flight 1 hour

It was really good at Cape Lookout today (Thursday). I had two great flights. The wind at launch were about 5-8 mph straight up the whole day. Three hangs (Stas, Gabe and myself) got 1500 over and flew to the end of the cape. Four bags showed up later to join us. I had 2 hours and 15 mins on the first flight and flew another one hour again alone before sunset. Hiked up three times and camped at CLO state park. Probably another repeat for today and the weekend.

May 1st (Friday)
1 flight 4 hours and 30 mins

Five hangs (Ray B, Gabe, Stas, ??? and myself) flew today (no bags). The north wind already here this morning when I was having breakfast around 8:00am at Oceanside. I headed to cape lookout after breakfast and it was blowing about 5-8 mph straight up at launch at 10:00am. I launched at 10:45am and flew till 3:16pm(4.5hrs).

As the day go by I realized that it turned more rowdy and windy however the incredible huge lift bend make it easy climbed up to 2500 ft AGL. The air smoothed out sometime but the north winds were still strong up high. Few people went to Kiwanda and reported back 20+ mph at the beach. We went back to CLO launch around 5:30pm and it was 15-20 mph at launch.

The forecast for tomorrow and Sunday looks same as today. Unlike yesterday (Thursday) the wind were much stronger in the afternoon so I suggest to launch early to avoid gusty north wind for this weekend.

May 2nd (Saturday)
1 flight 5 hours 
2 flight 15 mins

Everyone had a great long flights today. Approx 12 hangs and 1 paraglider (JJ) flew. It was another repeat of Friday with even better conditions. I launched at 10:30am and landed at 3:30pm. (5 hours) /max altitude 2300 AGL. Four hangs went back up around 6pm and wind were still cranking. I got 100ft above launch and just can't stand the "washing machine" rowdy air anymore and landed.

May 3rd (Sunday)
1 flight 30 mins

Non soarable day at Cape Lookout. We should've go to Kilchis or Sollie.  I launch in the morning after hang waiting for couple hrs and got a 30 minute light soaring window with couple paragliders. The condition got worst in the afternoon. I stayed there till sunset and took couple more sled rides with Mark Rabe , Enrique and few paragliders. The forecast looked better than the last two days , winds speed and direction at launch were good too but for some reason the sea breezes weren't cooperating at all.....

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