Monday, June 8, 2015

5 flights 11 hrs / Flights Log from Jun 4th to Jun 7th 2015

Jun 4th 2015 (Thursday)
Dog Mtn.

Paige, Stas, Chris Tarnawski and myself flew Dog on Thursday (Jun 4th). I launched at 3:00pm with light SW wind. The first hour was just a typical soarable Dog Mtn conditions. Then it turned into a XC condition when the wind direction changed more to north. I found plenty of extremely good thermals between north field and school LZ that took me to 6,500. ft MSL and just a slowly drifted to the microwave towers. I can easily cross Hwy 12 and flew to the mountain behind Larry property. I made few trip to Elk and also found a lot of good thermals there. I was so happy with my flight and decided to landed at the school LZ after 2 1/2 hours of air time.

Jun 5th 2015 (Friday)
Tiger Mtn

Tim Cayward and I were the only hang pilots flew Tiger today. We took the 12:30pm shuttle to launch with a group of paragliders. The winds were too strong for paragliders (15 to 20mph) so we were the only hangs flew today. We had the whole sky to ourself and both of us flew for 3 plus hours. Topped 3300 to 3500ft AGL.

Jun 6th (Saturday)
Dog Mtn:
First flight 1 hour and 15 mins (1:00-2:15pm)

I went up with Alfredo in the morning and flew for 1 hour and 15 mins, Gabe showed up later to join us. He was preparing to land at the Dog Patch to get wet. After about an hour of playing around over the ridge I headed to the school LZ. I topped out about 300ft above launch. Alfredo landed at the north field.

Second flight.
2.5 hours 6:00-8:30pm

Alfredo , Stas , Larry, Chris, Travis ,Tina and myself had a great late evening flight at Dog. Most of us reached 1300ft above launch. We went up to launch around 5:00pm and found wind were quite strong from the north side. I launched first and the vario just keep beeping and going up up up..... We played the north ridge for hours in the buoyant air until sunset. It was like magic. I landed at the north LZ first time this year.


Jun 7th (Sunday)
1.5 hours 12:30pm to 2:00pm

Maybe the temperature reached 90 degree so it was kind of quiet at Dog today. It turned out only 8 hangs flew (Kory, Gabe, Stas, Jonathan, Travis , JJ, Tim and myself). We launch around 12:30pm and I flew for about 1.5 hrs. Since my van left it at Dog Patch parking lot so I decided to land at the berm.

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