Robin and I arrived Cliffside (Goldendale, Wash) LZ today around 10am and it was already blowing 12+ mph at the hang launch. Paraglider friend Steve Carpentier had the whole sky to himself while we were setting up. As we prepared to launch around 11:30am the winds picked up to 15-18mph (and it get stronger later), so Steve C landed before we launched. Robin launched first and climbed up immediately. Congratulation to Robin who drove 4.5 hrs (or maybe 5 hrs) from Seattle and had over 3 hrs of chilly freezing cold EPIC long flight. Also, congratulation to Mark Rabe who had a successful top-landing and relaunched himself in the strong wind without any wire assistance. Ray Berger , Rob Steven and myself made it above the windmills and passed the Aluminum plane. I topped out 2200ft above launch (about 3500ft Above the LZ by the river) but I think Ray and Rob got even higher and further down east. I landed after 3+ hrs of air time. The winds were really strong and cross at the LZ by the river. Approximately over 20+mph. All 4 of us had a great landing and made it home safely. Robin will be spending a night at the nearby motel and fly Cliffside again tomorrow. I have work tomorrow, so I might go back to Cliffside on Saturday or Sunday. Happy New Years to all of you.
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