Saturday, January 2, 2016

Below freezing temps /2 hrs First flight of 2016 at Cliffside

The condition today was similar to New Year's Eve day except for being waaay colder. My thermometer was showing -10F at 2,700ft AGL and the ground level temperature was about 5F at launch. I can't believe that I was able to tolerate the freezing temps for nearly 2hrs air times. The wind direction was also better with it blowing from ESE ,so not much head wind to deal with going towards the east side. I arrived at 9:30 and it was already windy enough (15-18mph) to punch off from the lower launch. I thought I was going to be alone today so I left my car at the bailout LZ for shorter hike. Gabe and another hang pilot Nat arrived later, as well as PG Kelly soaring with his speed wing earlier. I launched around 1pm with the wind remaining strong at mostly 15mph without gusts. The ridge lift and thermals was so smooth and quite easy branch up above the windmills, however due to the lower clouds ceiling, the max height I reached was about 2700ft AGL. I landed by the river after an hour and 40 minutes later because I saw Gabe car heading down. It was pretty strong too at the LZ. Nat haven't flown for 3 years also had a very good flight today. It was too cold for Gabe, so he decided to drive for us. Thanks Gabe! Not bad for the first flight of 2016.

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