9:30am updated
Another great day at Oceanside! This morning we cruised around between Oceanside , Cape Lookout and Terrie Del Mark before deciding to settle at Oceanside. We arrived at the launch around 12:30 and first to punch off was Eric Miller, followed with: Mike C, myself, John B, Gregg and Dave B. All of us had nice flights between 30 mins to an hour. It was easy to stay up with straight west 5- 8 mph winds at launch. We all got a couple hundred feet above launch without much effort and landed around 2pm because beach was disappearing due to high tides.
We went for round two in the afternoon and I launched at 3pm when the tide was going down. The winds were stronger and I was able to reach 900 ft AGL. Steve S launched at 4pm and I think he landed around 5:00pm. So two hangs and six bags flew on this beautiful sunny warm day; special thanks to Laren for the retrieve and rides up.