My first tandem flight in 1988 was on a mountain in Southern Calif called Kagel. I started flying hang glider solo in 1990. Since then hang gliding has been my primary interest.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Sledder/ Foggy day at Cliffside (near Maryhill, WA) 2/14/17
A lot of sunshine and clear blue skies this morning, as I drove for visitor paraglider Edwin. The winds were light between 0-5 mph earlier in the day, Edwin did get to soar on his second flight. The wind was increasing to 8-10 mph around noon. So I thought we would have great flights during the afternoon; however, the heavy fog from the east moved in around 1pm, and due to poor visibility we weren't able to catch sight of the road below launch. Three other PGs arrived and waited till 3:00pm then left. Wind did diminish down to 3-5 mph around 3:30pm while Edwin and l waited patiently till 3:45 , when things cleared up just a little bit and easier to spot the bailout LZ. So, I decided to punch off and did a few pass before heading out to the river LZ with Edwin following and repeated the same. Edwin currently staying at The Biggs tonight and might try again tomorrow if the rain hold. Btw, there was still plenty of snow on the road today, so we all hiked up.
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