Thursday, March 23, 2017

2 flights / 30mins at Chehalem Ridge 3/23/17

Newberg was soarable but a bit challenging due to too much east wind at launch with mostly unfriendly rowdy airs.  There was seven bags and one hang (myself) flew. I had two flights, first was a sledder and l landed at the bailout LZ.  The second flight was much better, l was able to got 400ft above launch  and landed at Johnson Ranch big field. Got 30+ mins air times on the 2nd flight.  I think few bags got 3k but they didn't stay up for very long either. 

Dave Blizzard report:
 Gregg and I arrived on launch at 11 and sat in the car for 10 min hoping that what we were seeing was just a big cycle and that launch conditions would calm down. They did, sortof, so we all launched. Early flights we too roudy to be much fun and the thermals were the size of pingpong balls balls anyway. After 2, it was still roudy down low and close to the ridge but the thermals away from the ridge were now football field sized. Made it to cloudbase at 3180 and am just ecstatic. Pilots today included Ozgun, Eric, Gregg, Mark, Charlie, Mike, Rick, and me.

 Ozgun landing

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