I forgot to recharge my GoPro 3 so these photos and video were taken with GoPro 1. Sorry about the poor quality
Dog was very good this weekend, I had one flight on Saturday (2.5hrs flight) and flew twice on Sunday (2hrs on each flight). Both days were soarable from sunrise to sunset with strong winds. Many hang pilots showed up this weekend and everyone had great long flights. I missed Saturday's late evening magical air, but Stas and Shawn were up in the sky long enough to get some Elk Mt.session across the lake on Saturday.
My Sunday flight began with a lot of smooth cloud surfing air that lasted from 12 to 2pm with Thomas, Paul D and Shawn. In the afternoon, more hang pilots showed up. Kory and I launched around 6PM and found much better thermals over Elk when the winds switched north after 6:30pm. I climbed up to 2000ft above launch (3400ft AGL) with Kory over Elk and thermals got even better when temps dropped. Kory and Larry went further west down to the lake. Too bad that most of the pilots launched and landed early, otherwise they would've enjoyed the spectacular Elk sessions with us. Winds direction at the LZ charged it to the opposite side (East winds) when I landed.
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