Bingen flight report.
Two hangs (John Coyier and I) flew Bingen today. It was pretty much dead calm all morning between 9:30 am to 1:30pm at the LZ and launch until around 1:30 when it picked up. It got strong pretty quickly like someone turn on a switch. We launched at 2pm with 15-18+mph winds and once we've reached above launch, we were flying backwards (John flying a brand new single surface ICARO RX2). I left the front ridge at 2,400ft (400ft above launch) as I was afraid that the condition would get even stronger. I think the winds at that altitude was blowing 25-30+mph and forecast was saying it'll get stronger later.. After about 30 to 40 mins, I saw John heading out to land so I've decided to follow as well. The winds at the LZ was strong but surprisingly, we didn't feel any rotors and had an easy soft touch down landing. There were a group of people flying a Styrofoam toy gliders at the center of the LZ so we had to land short to avoid them. We went back up to Courtney Rd to retrieve John's vehicle and it was still blowing strong, cranking up at 4:30pm. Also congratulations to John Coyier who had his first Bingen flight. Definitely, worth the hike to see the beautiful gorge again!