Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:
I feel very fortunate to be able to fly 4 days in a roll between 8/16 to 8/19/2018.
Day 1. Dog Mt (Glenoma, WA) 2.5 hrs
Day 2. Rampart (Snoqualmie Pass) 2.5 hrs
Day 3. Rampart (Snoqualmie Pass) 25 mins
Day 4. Dog Mt. (Glenoma, WA) 3 hrs
Day 1. Dog Mt (Glenoma, WA) 2.5 hrs
Day 2. Rampart (Snoqualmie Pass) 2.5 hrs
Day 3. Rampart (Snoqualmie Pass) 25 mins
Day 4. Dog Mt. (Glenoma, WA) 3 hrs
Day 1 & 2 8/16 & 8/17
Rampart report: (inculding landing raw footage)
I've decided to visit Rampart today after my (2.5 hrs) evening flight yesterday at Dog with: Tina, Larry, Travis, Neil and Steve D.
I've decided to visit Rampart today after my (2.5 hrs) evening flight yesterday at Dog with: Tina, Larry, Travis, Neil and Steve D.
It was 8:30 am when I'd arrived at Rampart LZ to check out the Aircraft Carrier Deck condition. As you can see from the pics, LZs were completely dried, more so than I'd expected. It was blowing very strong (North 20-25 mph) pretty much all day at the LZ, but kind of light at launch with a lot of broken thermals. We were able to self-launch ourselves without wire assistance. Robin launched first at 3 pm as the wind dummy. He showed us it was soarable but required a lot of work to get above launch. I was the last person to punch off and land after 2.5 hrs flight (from 4 to 6:30 pm) and made it above the Cliff wall. Robin and Tim also got above the wall too. My maximum altitude was 6,000 ft (1,500 ft above launch). Everyone soared and had good launches/landings.
Day 3
Rampart report
Today l woke up to hazy skies and no winds at the lake until noon that increasing to 10-20mph North like yesterday. Luis and I arrived launch at 3pm and it was blowing stright up in very light (3-5 mph) winds. Launched at 4 and we never got above launch. I was scratching 50 to 100 ft below launch for about 20 mins and continue sank out slowly. My total flight time was about 25 mins. Landing conditions similar to yesterday with strong North winds except there was a camper truck parked on the Carried Deck LZ as you can see from the today pics. Luis decided to landed on the huge field on the other side of the road. Both of us had good launches and landings.
Today l woke up to hazy skies and no winds at the lake until noon that increasing to 10-20mph North like yesterday. Luis and I arrived launch at 3pm and it was blowing stright up in very light (3-5 mph) winds. Launched at 4 and we never got above launch. I was scratching 50 to 100 ft below launch for about 20 mins and continue sank out slowly. My total flight time was about 25 mins. Landing conditions similar to yesterday with strong North winds except there was a camper truck parked on the Carried Deck LZ as you can see from the today pics. Luis decided to landed on the huge field on the other side of the road. Both of us had good launches and landings.
Day 4
Dog Mt Sunday report:
3 hrs Flight (4:25 to 7:35pm)
Maximum altitude 3,300ft at Elk
Maximum altitude 3,300ft at Elk
With the widespread of smoky air everywhere today, I've decided to head back to Dog. It was hazy there, but the air quality was still better than Snoqualmie Pass.
I arrived at the LZ around noon. Kory McEniry , Alan Redmon and Jonathon Severdia in the air around 2pm while I was hiking up. It was quite gusty at launch (approx 15-20mph) and it looks like the guys got up to 400 ft above launch and flew for over an hour in front of launch (please correct me if I'm wrong). Bob McFee and Tommy (from Colorado) came up later and launched at 3:30pm in similar conditions and flew for almost an hour. The sky became even more smoky and winds calmed down a lot as the day continued. I launched at 4:30pm and expected to fly for an hour or less, as the entire area was enshrouded in smoke, but turns out I flew for over 3 hrs alone. I went to Elk around 6pm after long time struggling 200 ft above launch. The lifts became better with some NW winds around 6pm so l was able to soared the north ridge and get high enough to go to Elk. It was hard work to bench up to the highest ridge at Elk, but all good once I got above it. The winds at the LZ was switchy when I landed. I landed in west direction with slightly tail winds from NE. Will post pics/video later.
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