Sunday, September 30, 2018

2 flights Chi's Wills Wing Alpha 180 at Dog 9/30/18

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:

I came to Dog today to test fly Chi's glider (WillsWing Alpha 180).  I punched off on the north side and landed in west direction for the first flight. Second flight was opposite of the 1st flight, in which I'd launched on the west and landed in north direction. It was basically dead calm conditions today with a bit of east and south winds, so Stas , Andrey Gusev and l just did no wind launches. A PG pilot came and decided not to fly. 
WillsWing recommends hook in weight between 120-200 lbs for Alpha 180.  My hook in weight was just over 200lbs,  so the Alpha is a bit small for me. However, it still flies great with a slow sink rate and super easy to launch and land. 
Including Andrey and Stas landing video.

1.5 hour Bingen , Washington 9/29/18

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:

I arrived Bingen, Washington at 1:30pm today and it was already blowing west 10-13mph at the LZ.   Launch wasn't that windy when I got ready to launch at 3:40pm (Approx 5-10mph), however the cycles was gusty and very unstable that I having a hard time to level my wing. I got up above launch in pretty rowdy thermals and  flew for 1.5 hrs alone. I was able  ascending up to 1,000 ft above launch and cross the valley to the hospital ridge. Thermals were really punchy during my whole flight until I flew over to the LZ and the river. It was very windy at the LZ and l see Kite-boarders were out at Hood River.  I landed on the new field for the first time (photos and Video below).  Rob Andrews decided not to fly.  Thanks to Tim Bugge for coming out to drive and hike!
Pics and landing video: 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

3 flights 5 hrs Rampart & Dog with Rudy Gotes & Sara Fort 9/24 to 9/26

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:

9/24/18  Rampart  (2 hrs flight)
It was beautiful sunny weather today at Rampart. The seven of us hang gliders showed up: Justin Himes, Robin Briejer, Jimmy D. Culler, Sara Fort, Luis Ramos, Stas, and myself. Although the weather was great and good launch cycles, however it not so much for good thermals which made it quite challenging as we worked to stay up.  Lifts were rough, broken and weak..... I was last to punch off at 3:30 and flew for 2 hrs. It did take me a while to get above launch. I were able to reached over 6,000 ft. and  made it above the first wall.  Thanks to Justin, Jimmy, and Robin for the drive up. Congrats to Sara Fort for getting her first flight at Rampart. PS.  Luis FB have more videos and pictures.

9/25/18 Dog (2 hrs)
Andrey, Aaron R, myself and visitor pilots Rudy and Sara all had a nice soaring flights at Dog today. The winds was light SW cross at launch. However, the  thermals let us fly from 3 till sunset. I launched first at 3:15 and flew for 2hrs.

9/26/18 Dog (1 hour)
Sara , Rudy , Stas, Ron Barbera and me.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

3 hours Epic Rampart flight 9/19/18

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:
Rampart was absolutely awesome today. Robin Briejer and I couldn't agree more that it was one of the best day of this season. 3 hangs: Robin, John Coyier and myself were able to climbed up immediately after launch with smooth fat thermals everywhere. Congrats to John Coyier for picking an ideal day to fly Rampart for his first time. Also, thanks again to Robin for the ride up and retrieval.
Robin launched first and John than I followed at 1:40 pm. Robin and l flew for 3 hours while John was up about an hour. The altitude gain was about 6,000- 6500 ft between launch to the 2nd wall. Robin and l went to Alta a couple of times and got up to 7,000 ft, perhaps for Robin it may have been 7,500 ft.
It was so easy cruising around back and forth from launch to 2nd wall and crossed the valley to Alta..... The conditions at launch was straight up from light to gusty strong cycles and winds at the LZ were blowing perfect north 10-15 mph with some usual rotors from Hyak hill when me and Robin landed around 5pm.
Since everyone's heading back home tonight I may also be doing the same. Tomorrow has potential with more clouds. Few photos from today attached. I'm in Northgate Seattle and will decide after dinner on whether to head home or not.