Thursday, September 20, 2018

3 hours Epic Rampart flight 9/19/18

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:
Rampart was absolutely awesome today. Robin Briejer and I couldn't agree more that it was one of the best day of this season. 3 hangs: Robin, John Coyier and myself were able to climbed up immediately after launch with smooth fat thermals everywhere. Congrats to John Coyier for picking an ideal day to fly Rampart for his first time. Also, thanks again to Robin for the ride up and retrieval.
Robin launched first and John than I followed at 1:40 pm. Robin and l flew for 3 hours while John was up about an hour. The altitude gain was about 6,000- 6500 ft between launch to the 2nd wall. Robin and l went to Alta a couple of times and got up to 7,000 ft, perhaps for Robin it may have been 7,500 ft.
It was so easy cruising around back and forth from launch to 2nd wall and crossed the valley to Alta..... The conditions at launch was straight up from light to gusty strong cycles and winds at the LZ were blowing perfect north 10-15 mph with some usual rotors from Hyak hill when me and Robin landed around 5pm.
Since everyone's heading back home tonight I may also be doing the same. Tomorrow has potential with more clouds. Few photos from today attached. I'm in Northgate Seattle and will decide after dinner on whether to head home or not.

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