Tuesday, January 29, 2019

3 flights 5 hrs at Cliffside 2 days trip 1/27 & 1/28/2019

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:

Cliffside today
Strong west winds 15-20mph, launch was starting to clear. (This is a east facing site, west wind is wrong direction for this site)
West wind easing.
Light east winds arrived at launch but wind at the top ridge was still blowing NW.
Strong east 15+20 mph at launch but turbines on thebtop ridge were still spinning in NE direction. (See photos).
I launched first at 2pm and flew for 2 hrs with Bob B , Tim Bugge (3hangs) and few more Pgs showed up later to join us. My maximum altitude was 1,700ft. Bob Horning will fill in more detail later.

Bob report: 
Great day at Cliffside, Super forecast was very close, wind changed from west to east at about 12:30 and built from there. Pretty cool how fast it changed, was blowing one way and then 25 minutes later the exact opposite. Rick and I went up to launch to set up, had a paraglider who had never been there before come in at the same time, Rick gave him the run down. Rick and I were almost al set when Tim came up and started setting up his sweet and mostly new Sport 3, looked great! Rick and I took off at about 2 PM, in about 15 MPH winds coming directly our of the east, almost ENE. Beautiful weather, mostly smooth air too. Because it was ENE we could not bench up to the turbines, but still great flight. I checked my instruments and they said I did get up to 1856 ft! After about 1 ½ hours I got tired, long week, though Rick and Tim stayed up for about another hour. Tomorrow we are going again, look like it picks up at about 11 AM, and then wind speed only gets better from there! See you all tomorrow!

Cliffside Monday report:
It was really good today again. Another pgs and hangs friendly conditions at Cliffside today. Actually , it was even better than yesterday with more thermals activity plus consistent ridge lifts. Sunny and not too cold that I can do two flights and fly for 3 + hrs. There were 6 hangs (Scott, Stas, Neil Clark , Bob HorningTim Bugge and myself) and about 12 pgs today. Hangs pilots Stas toplanded 3 times and Neil, and l toplanded one time and have two flights. Scott M, Stas, Tim B will be here tomorrow for another round. We reach 2,200ft today. Wind turbines on the top ridge was 90 degrees cross so we couldn't bench up to the top. I'll upload pics and video later.
Please excuse any grammatical errors because I'm typing this with my thumb.