Tuesday, January 15, 2019

3.5 hours Cliffside 1/14/19

 Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:

Too cold . My phone need to defrost after I landed..... I didn't expect Cliffside to be so good today. It turned on when I arrived around 9:30am. Thanks to PG instructor Kelly for the ride up that enabled me to launch at 11:30am. It was blowing 15+mph SE , so benching up to the cloudbase and the wind turbines on top was pretty easy. Maximum altitude was around 3K ft right below the cloud bases 1/4 mile east of the aluminum plant and definitely able to go higher if I go further east or go deeper inside the clouds. The temperature was approximately between 20-25°F or lower. It was freezing cold which caused my gloves and control bar to ice up with frost whenever over 2K. Luckily I was able to tolerate and fly in that condition for 3.5 hrs (from 11:30-3:00pm). Neil Clarkarrived when I launched and he punched off from the old hang launch by the road. He went further east and I couldn't keep up with him. He top landed to help Carmela around 2pm. Both of them plus a few PGs also had a fantastic flights as well. Since my long flight was a great one today, I think I’ll pass on flying tomorrow. Carmela Moreno spending a night and I think Bob Horning, Scott M and Mark Rabe will be flying with her tomorrow. Check out the few pics here from today.

1 comment:

  1. As the airplane moves forwards in the air, the wings twist the air downwards as they pass, producing a large, invisible downwash of air behind the airplane.

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