Monday, June 17, 2019

Almost 3 hours Epic Dog flight 6/16/19

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:

Dog Mt 6/16/19 flight report :

A truly spectacular Dog weekend! After an awesome evening flight on Saturday, I wanted more so I left Portland after lunch on Sunday. Arrived Dog patch at 4pm and saw Justin Himes above launch having the entire sky to himself. Neil Clark, Stas and Marty were launching when Travis, Robin Briejer and l arrived launch at 5pm. I launched around 6pm after Robin Briejer and Travis. It was quite gusty blowing about 15-25 mph (no paraglider day) straight west at launch. I got up to 1,000ft over launch quickly then headed out towards Elk and crossed the lake to join everyone. When l arrived Elk, almost everyone was down by the Cliff. l left Elk later at 3K to the Cliff and lost 500ft but found good lifts over the Cliff with Neil (Robin showing us) and got back up to 3K with Robin and Neil. Robin and l went back to launch later to watch Steven Danielson do loops for a while. The magical lifty glass off air started happening around 8pm but there were only Robin and me left in the air by then . Our max altitude was around 3,500ft. We flew till sunset with nice buoyant air all around. Wind direction remained west, and never switched north or east. It was another almost 3 hours beautiful sunset flight for me. I've tons of videos and photos, will post once sorted.

PS: For those who don't know the location of Elk Ridge and The Cliff, I've enclosed a photo that has markings to indicate.

Photos and one short clip flying over The Cliff with Neil.
Facebook link: Coming soon


  1. Nice flight and pics Rick. Do you know if anyone has ever had to land out on the Elk side of the lake? Does anyone know how to get over there via road? Keep posting the cool reports!

    1. Yes few people has been landed at the bottom of the Elk pass couple years. They can walk 3-4 miles back to the Taidnapam Park camp site and found a boat to retrieve their gliders.

    2. Yes few people has been landed at the bottom of the Elk pass couple years. They can walk 3-4 miles back to the Taidnapam Park camp site and found a boat to retrieve their gliders.
