Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:
Video 1 Day 1 & 2 Oceanside
Video 2 Day 3 at Cape Lookout
Thanks again to everyone who helped and contributed to making Oceanside Open 2018 fabulous success!
I've squeezed down 3 days (4 flights and almost 8 hours) flying video into few minutes of footage. I hope you enjoy.
Video 1 Day 1 & 2 Oceanside
Video 2 Day 3 at Cape Lookout
Day 1 Friday 4/27 at Oceanside, Oregon
I arrived Oceanside launch after 3PM and ended up launching around 8PM due to the bad weather (rain and SE winds blowing from behind launch) . I shared the sky with couple eagles for 30 mins and maximum altitude was between 300 to 600ft above launch.
Day 2 Saturday 4/28 at Oceanside, Oregon
Great turnout with perfect soaring condition for hangs and bags. I flew for 1.5 hrs in the morning and 2 hrs in the afternoon hrs. Maximum altitude was around 1.100 ft over the back bowl. Ray got few hundred feet highest.
Day 3 Sunday 4/29 at Cape Lookout
Epic flight at Cape Lookout. I arrived launch at 9:30am was hoping to fly before high tide ( 5.8ft high tide at 1:40PM). However, giant waves already wiped out the whole entire beach around 11AM and it was a bit west too. About a dozen of bags had a great flights in the morning during high tide. Neil was the first hang to launch around 1PM and I launched at 2:15pm after Steve Baran. There were plenty of lifts and smooth thermals, I made many trips from the end of the Cape to North Point. The conditions was friendly for bags all day long too. My max altitude between 2000-2500ft. Excellent day at the coast. Congratulations to visiting hang pilots John Taylor, Chris, Steve Baran have their first Cape Lookout epic flight.