Saturday, February 27, 2016

2 hrs flight at Newberg, OR 2/27/16

I left Chehalem ridge around 3:30pm so this report is only covered from 11-3:30pm.

Today I headed to Newberg with Enrique. I launched at 12:30pm and flew for almost two hrs with 2 hangs (Enrique & Rob Stevens). The bags were waiting due to the gusty wind condition on top; wind speed approx 8-10mph straight up with some gusty strong cycles. It was pretty easy escalating up to 500-800ft above launch. It was a bit windy along the ridge with thermals blown away. Today was one of those days, where you'll get better thermals and smooth air once you're away from the ridge. I got over 2,000ft AGL in between LZ and launch on top of the paraglider LZ. The wind did mellow down after 3:00pm and became quite thermic for paragliders to play. I left at 3:30pm and saw 4-5 paragliders sky out.