Sunday, May 1, 2016

Oceanside Open 2016 4 flights 6 hrs of air times

The Oceanside Open Official Day is on 4/30/16 to 5/01/16. Myself and a lot of pilots are arriving early of the week. Here are my three days report:

Day 1 (Thursday) 4/28/16

1st flight at Kilchis (Tillamook, OR)
2nd flight at Cape Lookout (Netarts Bay, OR)

I was the only hang today flying CLO after my two hrs flight at Kilchis with Ray Berger and Dave Palmer. I arrived CLO launch at 6:pm and observed a few Pgs getting above launch immediately after take off, so I knew there was plenty of lifts out front even with the wind being really light at launch (0-3mph). It turns out that I got over an hour and reached to 1,600 ft AGL after crossing the gap. The lifts was so light and smooth compared to the afternoon flight at Kilchis.

Video from day 1:

Day 2 (Friday) 4/29/16

I arrived Cape Lookout launch around 12:30. There was a group of paras already soaring above the cape and about 10 hangs were setting up. The morning session eventually turned off and everyone landed when all the hang pilots ready to launch at around 1pm. A few paras took a sledders in the afternoon that showed no sign of lifts. We waited till around 5pm than finally the winds arrived. Few hangs and I take advantage of the improving conditions , we launched in about 15+mph strong NW winds and we went straight up to 1500ft right away. The winds were getting stronger , clouds forming quickly, squalls approaching , high tides coming.... etc. so I decided to landed after almost an hour of flight. The winds still really strong at launch , few more hangs launched after the squall passed through and some decided to pack up.

Day 3 The Official Day (Saturday) 4/30/16

There was about 15 or more hangs and countless paras who flew Cape Lookout today. The conditions was fantastic, it turned on early (around 10:00am) and it got too strong (15 plus mph winds)later for paras but never blew out for hangs. Also, we had plenty of room for landing at the beach so actually, it was beyond perfect. I was the first hang dummy in the air (launched around 11am) and witnessed the sky filled up with bags and hangs as we all spread out. I topped out 2,400ft MSL and flew to the end of the cape a few times easily. I made the mistake of only wearing a T-shirt, a thin jacket and gardening gloves, so I was freezing. I wasn't able to tolerate the cold air after two hrs of flying, so decided to land, otherwise would've stayed up for 5hrs.

Video from Day 2 & 3

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