Monday, August 31, 2015

1 flight 2 hours air time at Oceanside/ Aug 30th 2015


Oceanside was awesome yesterday (Sunday). Seven hangs flew (Steve Forslund, Ray B, Rob Stephens, Gabe, Jeff H, Jonathon and myself). The winds were a bit strong and too south at launch most of the time but once we punched off it was just effortlessly elevator up to 1000ft above launch in the smooth coastal air. I think we all got more than 2 hours air time. There were a lot of cloud forming and we had a great session of cloud surfing.

This is the video and photos from yesterday

What wrong with this photo??

Friday, August 28, 2015

2 flights 4 hours air time at Rampart and Black Mountain (near Maple Falls,Wash)

Aug 26th 2015
Rampart (Snoqualmie Pass. Wash)
6000ft MSL
3 hrs flight

Rampart worked well yesterday. There were one para and four hangs flew (Travis, Ron B, Alfredo and myself). The paraglider went up early (launched at 12:30pm) , took an extended sledder. Hangs group arrived launch at 1:30pm,  I was first off the air at 2:30pm and had a 3 hours of really fun air time , others hangs also flew for 2+ hours. Top of lift was over the Cliff wall at 6,000'. 

I thinks most likely we are going to fly Black today.  I'm meeting up with two hang pilots at the Maple Falls Shell Gas Station around 11:00am. We will stop by the LZ before headed up to launch. 

Aug 27th 2015
Black Mountain (Maple Falls,Wash)
1 hour
1500ft over launch (5000ft AGL/ 750ft MSL at LZ )  

There was a few hours window today at Black Mountain when it was soarable before it shut down.   We arrived top launch at 2:00pm and found almost zero wind. We all launched around the same time in really light cycles. Konrad , Shawn and Travis launched before me and they climbed quickly above launch.  It was a bit rowdy and not much good lifts once you away from the ridge. I feel very lucky to have managed a flight for more than one hour and got at least 1500 feet over launch few times (I think is about 5000 AGL). Travis, Konrad and myself landed at the campsite main LZ and Shawn landed at the big field by the road.  When I landed around 4:30pm the wind socks in both LZ were hanging straight down.  Almost no wind. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

11 hrs of air time at Dog and Rampart (4 flights)

Friday 8-21-2015
Dog (Glenoma,WA)
5 hours / Topped 4500ft MSL

Saturday  8-22-2015
Dog (Glenoma,WA)
1st flight sledder 
2nd flight  2.5 hrs / 50ft above launch

Yeah it was really smoky at Dog all day (Saturday) ,poor air quality and visibility. Not much wind at launch and no big thermals unlike Friday conditions but enough lifts for few of us squeeze out few hours or so of soaring flights. 

Sunday 8-23-2015
Rampart (Snoqualmie Pass, WA)
3 hrs / Topped 7500ft MSL

Two bags and three hangs flew Rampart today. It started out really cross from the East and was light.The hang launched streamers that showed wind blowing the opposite direction so we went up to the Paraglider's launch. Paragliders took off first around 2:30pm and got 500ft over quickly so we decided to setup. When I was ready to launch around 3:15 pm, both Paragliders had already landed, so I thought it would be a sledder. I launched first at 3:20pm and the air was pretty rowdy. Finding stable lifts was difficult during the first 1.5hrs of my flight. Until Alfredo launch around 4:45pm is when things started to smooth out. We were able to connect with some big smooth thermals that took us to 7500 ft; we flew to Rampart's big cliff wall, Alta mountain and across the valley....etc. Got cold and tired after 3 hrs later so we landed around 6:30 pm in a pretty smooth NW wind at the LZ.  I didn't feel any rotors. 

Friday at Dog over Elk Mt
 Sunday at Rampart
 Alfredo launching

 Rampart skies still hazy on Sunday afternoon

Monday, August 17, 2015

8 hrs air time (4 flights) at Dog Mt on Aug 15th & 16th , 2015

Saturday Aug 15th, 2015

The conditions was really weak at Dog today. I had two flights. It was almost no wind at launch with 90% overcast sky it results there were a lot of short flights. I was very lucky on my first flight that I did a few low save at 500ft AGL and got back up to launch, caught a few strong good thermals over the north side after scratching below launch for a long time.

1st flight :
I launched at 12:45pm and had almost 3 hours of really fun air time. Topped out 2k above launch and made few trips to Elk , radio towers and Hwy 12.

2nd flight:
I've run out of patience after more than an hour of waiting at launch. So launched at 5:45pm and it turned out to be a sledder as I expected. Others who launch after 6:30pm was able to stayed up and flew till sunset. Larry and Marty went pass Elk and got really high.

Sunday Aug 16th, 2015

It was a very ice day of flying at Dog. When the north wind arrived it provided a lot of good flying for everyone.
1st flight:
2.5 hrs

2nd flight:
2.5 hrs