Monday, November 30, 2015

2.5 hrs (2 flights ) at Cliffside on 11/29/15

Video from yesterday at Cliffside

At Cliffside today, there was 3 hangs and about 10 bags who flew . It was overcast with really light winds, and the cloud ceilings were below the windmills for the whole day. Mark, myself and a few bags took a morning sled ride, launching and landing in zero wind condition. Mark did a great job landing by the river. It was pretty much dead calm from morning till 2pm and no sign of solar heat produced thermal. Than it started with light SE breeze (approx 3 mph) around 2:30pm,  so we thought it would be an all day sled ride condition.  However, around 2:45pm I saw a few paras thermaling on top of the hang launch, so I launched and headed towards the paras and discovered a lot of strong climbs; thanks to the para friends for directing me to the lifts! Surprisingly, the thermals were even better than yesterday with no sunshine. I topped out 2k AGL got to the cloud base and flew for an 1 hr /15mins. It was getting close to sunset and still found smooth thermals everywhere, so I'd crossed the Columbia River towards the Oregon side before landing. I had a light whack on my landing due to flying too close to the bathroom structure. At the very end of the left side of my the wing tip slightly touched the restroom structure a second before I flared. Fortunately, the ground speed was down to almost zero; so with having no speed, there wasn't any damage or even a scratch on the sail. Everything was good but I was upset at myself for messing up on my landing since the condition at LZ was completely smooth. I didn't expect a long flight so I've put the GoPro camera on the glider nose, unfortunately the SIM card was full at the end of the flight and couldn't capture my almost perfect landing. I enclosed a image of how I messed up and hope others can learn from my mistake. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

1 hour (2 flights) at Cliffside on 11/28/15

Today at Cliffside (near Goldendale, Wash), only two hangs (Mark Rabe and myself) and maybe a dozen of paras showed up. Our first flight was more than a sledder. I launched at 12pm in almost zero wind, but managed to stay up for about 20 mins encountering some light thermals on top of the hang launch. Mark R & I both landed by the river and headed back up again. Then some clouds started to develop on the west side in the afternoon blocking the sunlight. At this time, the winds were still really weak (approx 4mph) at launch as I prepared to punch off (@ 2:45pm) and we anticipated another short flight or sledder. However, it turned out quite soarable, so I was able to get almost an hour of great flight. The highest I got was 1,400 ft AGL. Mark also soared for about 20 to 30 mins. Once again, we landed by the river for the second flight.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Sled ride at Chehalem Ridge 11/23/15

Two bags and myself flew Newberg. Jay Z had three flights. We landed around 2:00pm. It was windy with some strong cycles but the air were really sinky. Nobody soar.

The wind direction were straight up the whole day. It was really light in the morning when Jay and I arrived at 10:30am. So Jay took couple sledders before the wind pick up. The weather station on the west side was showing 5-12mph at 12:30pm. The clouds on top were moving SSW direction. We thought it would be soarable because the cycles were strong (straight up) at launch. It felt like more than 10mph winds. Dave and Jay launched before me and we all encountered some strong sinky air on the west side. Once I flew away from the ridge it was pretty smooth and no wind at the LZ. The rain came early and launch were sock in when I left around 3:00pm right after I done packing up.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

1 flight 2.5 hrs flight at Cliffside on 11/21/15

I arrived at Cliffside (Sat 11/21/25) around 9:00am and found a heavy thick fog with really light East winds. As usual, I carried my gear up to launch and drove my car down to the LZ follow with a hike back up. I was pessimistic with the conditions being really light as forecast predicted; however, did my launch at 1:20pm after few paras and unexpectedly encountered a lot of smooth ridge lifts and thermals everywhere. To my surprise, it turned out better than expected with the weather sunny and warm, I flew for nearly 2.5 hrs with 10-15 paras (I'm the only hang). Everyone climbed up easily at 300 to 600 ft above launch and stayed up to their heart's content. I didn't want to pack up in the dark, so I landed around 4pm. Turned out to being an awesome day!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sled ride at Newberg, OR 11/10/15

Dave Blizzard and I spend about 2.5 hrs of work at Johnson's farm (Newberg Big LZ) this afternoon while the flying conditions wasn't quite ready. We dug two holes and set up two gate posts on one side of the drive way. We need to go back again to dig two more post holes on the south side. If anyone interested in helping please let me or Dave know.

We went up to launch around 3:30pm and meet up Steve F and two others paras. The wind were just too light (2-3 mph) so we all had a nice smooth sledders. I landed at the bottom LZ in no wind conditions.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Sled ride at Newberg, OR 11/9/15

Report from Steve Forslund:

Rick L and I flew in a light cycle, wind was real light north with clouds above moving south. Rick worked some small bubbles out front and made his way out to the hang lz. I was able to work the ridge briefly before going out front where the lift was too small and weak to work. Rick was able to dry his wing and I got my gliders folded up and enjoyed the sun