Sunday, March 31, 2019

3 hours 2 flights Dog Mt (Glenoma, Wa) 3/29 & 3/30/19

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:
 Few pics and footages from Friday & Saturday. I counted 19 hangs and 1 para show up at Dog (Glenoma, Washington) yesterday and 6 flew on Friday. (Kim, Alan, Robin, Alfredo Moreno, Tim Bugge and myself) and maybe more on Saturday? Robin Briejer, Eric Ollikainen, Glenn Duval Shawn Lucke, Alan Redmon, Kim, Kt Bigelow , Luis Ramos, Bob Horning, Paul Dees, Rob Andrews, Larry, Tina Jorgensen, Ken (idk Ken last name), Stas, Travis, Rick Lai, JJ....

Sunday, March 24, 2019

3 hrs Dog Mt 3/23/19

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:
 Dog was soarable all day long with strong SW and a bit gusty at launch. 11 hangs (Robin Briejer, Kt Bigelow, Alan Redmon, Alfredo Moreno, Rob Andrews, Luis Ramos, Eric Ollikainen, Larry, Tina Jorgensen, Stas and myself) out for the day. Most launched between noon to 3pm and flew for hours. Stas, Tina, Larry, Eric and I launched around 3 and my flights lasted for over 3 hours.

Friday, March 22, 2019

2 hours Dog & Elk flights (Glenoma,Wa) 3/21/19

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:
 Dog Mt (Glenoma,WA) had a spring-like thermal condition that delivered some very nice flights for 4 lucky hangs today. Forecast reported light winds at Dog, but it was already blowing strong 10 to 15+ mph W and SW winds at the LZ when I arrived at 11 am. Trees at launch were swaying wildly while we were setting up. Robin Briejer was first to launch around noon and flew for 3+ hours.l drove the truck down and hiked up so Luis RamosTim Bugge and l launched around 2:45pm. My flight lasted over two hours. A lot of solid lifts and some good thermals shoot up at 600 to 800 fpm. Everyone was getting around a maximum altitude of 2,400ft AGL (1K above launch). I made it to Elk and got 2,700ft AGL there. North ridge, South Bowl, Elk.... all worked out very well. The air over at Elk was buoyant till the end of my flight which was around 5pm. By the way, if you haven't already noticed from the pics, we've now got a new smooth road to launch.