Saturday, February 28, 2015

1 flight 2 hrs and 40 mins at Tiger Mtn 02-28-15

It was thermal paradise on Sat (Feb 28th 2015) at Tiger Mountain (Issaquah, WA) . I was in the air for 2 hours and 40mins flew with 10 hang gliders and maybe 50 plus paraglider. The higher I got was 1300 ft above launch. This February just keeps on getting an amazing thermic days in Pacific Northwest.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

2 flights 1 hour at Cliffside (near Rufus, Oregon) 02-22-15

The original forecast called for Cliffside was ESE 10-15mph but it didn’t turn out exactly like that. It were much gentle then yesterday (approx 5-8mph at the PG launch and less than 5mph at the hangs launch between 11-3pm) and than it became even more lighter and turned more to NE in the afternoon.

Since I arrived Cliffside early, I considered my options and figured that the higher launch would be a good bet so I carried my glider to the PG launch again. By the time I was ready to launch (which was around 12:45am ) Kory,Ray,Jeff and 2 others Paragliders showed up.

I launch at 1:00pm and flew with 2 bags on my first flight. We found some nice thermals mixed with light ridge lifts that took us to 600 ft above the PG launch. I landed 40mins later because those nice thermals slowly disappeared.

Ray, Kory and Jeff were still waiting at launch so I went back up to join them. Unfortunately, the condition never improve and it switched more to NE (very cross at launch) so I had a sledder on my second flight. Kory and Jeff launched first , Ray launch before me and he managed to stay above launch for a while until the wind died down and slightly turned more to NE. That all for today at Cliffside.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

1 flight 30 mins at Cliffside (near Rufus, Oregon) 02-21-15

Robin , John and I flew Cliffside today and it turned out to be one of those tricky day because it was rowdy, gusty and windy at launch (with no wire assistants to help). In the air with only pockets of thermic lift mixed with big sinks...... But we all had a great flight. It started with dead calm wind and sunny skies at Eagle Caves so I went to Cliffside around 11:30am to meet up with John and Robin. We found the wind were blowing from wrong direction NW 5mph so we decided to carry our gliders to the PGs launch and hoping the east wind will arrive later or do a sledder in no wind condition. Around 1:30 the wind direction switched to perfect straight ESE 5-10mph but while we were setting up the east winds were getting stronger , it felt like 20-30mph. Robin and John got off first and John went straight up to few hundred ft above launch. We all had a great safe launch and John and I got about 1000ft over. We felt stressful in this kind of rock and roll condition so we all landed after about 30mins later.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

5 flights 2 hrs at Saddle Mtn 02-15 & 16 2015

2 flights sledders
The weather was only good for sled rides. In the late afternoon the winds totally died and started blowing from the back that force all paragliders drove down. John , Alfredo and I launched in no wind on our second flight and I caught few light thermals above landing to extend my sled ride. On Monday; I think there have 8 hangs and 5 paras flew today.

3 flights 2 hrs

A fantastic day it was to fly Saddle Mtn, although we had a flat tire on the way up to launch..... Anyway, the day began with cold, clear skies and almost windless at the LZ this morning when I woke up around 6am. However, the top landable condition was turn on from 10 till sunset and we all stayed up as long as desired. I top landed 3x's and I think Tim top landed more than 12x's

Saturday, February 14, 2015

1 flight 2 hrs at Bingen, Wa 02-14-15

Bingen was awesome today. I got 1000 ft above launch and flew for 2 hours and 15 mins. It was lifty from morning till sunset. I landed because I didn't want to keep my wife waiting at the LZ. The only down side is being the only one in the sky. Too bad that the wind was a bit too strong for para friends.

Monday, February 2, 2015

1 flight 2 hrs at Oceanside, Oregon 02-02-15

Date: 02-02-2015
Site: Oceanside, OR
2 hours

An AWESOME day at Oceanside. I arrived at 10:30am and the winds were blowing at 15mph straight up at launch. I launched at 12:00 and flew for 2+ hrs. My highest altitude gain was 850 ft over launch. Ray B and several other PGs showed up while I was in the air , Gabe D and John D were setting up their hang gliders. Gabe went to Happy Camp first and he spent half of his flight time over there. Maxwell were still soarable but John and I decided to joined Gabe and we all got some good altitude to played around over the Happy Camp ridge. The best soarable wind for hangs lasted till 1:30pm. As the day goes by the wind died down and turned more to PG favorable conditions.

Everyone had a great time and pretty much you can stayed up as long as you wanted. What a fun day!