Wednesday, October 30, 2019

2 flights 4 hours Cliffside 10/30/19

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:

Footage of my sunset landing and thanks Borce Atanasov for the photos.
Today at Cliffside there were plenty of punchy thermals, however, due to the wind direction being too north, no one was able to reach the wind turbines at the top ridge. My maximum altitude was 1,300 ft above launch ( 2,300ft AGL). 4 hangs (Neil Clark, myself, Rob Andrews and Nat) launched between 1 to 1:30pm. I top landed at the end of the parking lot (on the uphill spot) after 2 hrs of flying from 1- 3pm and re-launched after bathroom break flew again from 4 to sunset with few PG pilots: Neil Clark, Net, Rob Andrews who landed by the river before 3pm and left.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

3 hours Cape Lookout 10/13/19

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:

Kudos to Bob Horning for the hours he'd spent trimming down bushes at launch. Thanks to him, the launch area is made safer for everyone.

The conditions at Cape Lookout today had everyone a bit worried , as it was extremely light wind or none at all. It was also too north from the time I'd arrived (@1pm ) to around 3:30 pm. Many of us were initially disappointed with the no wind conditions, but I truly believe that things will likely turn on after 3 or 4 pm. Finally PGs Rob Stephen started soaring around 3:30 pm and I launched @3:50 pm. I was the first HG launching in 5-8 mph light winds. Lifts were very gentle and easy to climb to 1,200 to 1,500ft once l cross the first gap. Bob H, Jeff Beck (from Bellingham), Scott M, Tim Bugge launched after me between 4:30 to 5 pm. We flew alongside with a dozen or more PGs until sunset. It was dead calm winds at the beach when Jeff and l landed at 7pm, but still very lifty above launch. I flew to North Point a few times but didn't find any lifts there. It was an easy trip to the end of the Cape for everyone. All in all, it was a good day for most of us. I'll post more pics and video later.