Sunday, January 26, 2020

2 hours Peterson Butte 01/26/20

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Oregon and Washington Hang Gliding 
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:
Peterson Butte Report (1/26/20):
One flight two hours.
It was another strong windy day at Peterson Butte. Pete Owen with his Atos was first to launch at around 11:40 am, while I followed at 12pm in approx 25-30 mph winds. Conditions were stronger than a couple days ago with sunny skies and more cloud thermals. Pete and l got sucked into cloudbase a couple times. I got up to 3,000 ft, while Pete might've reached 3,200 ft. Kory launched himself an hour plus later (also in strong winds). From the air, we watched Pete performed a strong wind top-landing. The winds didn't back down when Kory and I'd decided to land at the bottom LZ around 2 pm. After smooth landing at the bottom LZ, I was able to help Ken M launch at 3:24 pm when I went back to retrieve my vehicle. At that hour, the wind had reduced to 12- 15 mph with Ken having the entire sky to himself, flying till 4:15 pm. The winds at the LZ was blowing 3-5 mph when he landed. No rain and no paraglider show up to fly. Only 4 hangs and few RCers. Great flying again at Peterson! It start raining around 4:30 when I passing by Albany.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

2 flights 3 hours at Peterson Butte 01/24/20

Flying sites in Pacific NorthWest:
Oregon and Washington Hang Gliding 
Where to learn Hang Gliding in Pacific Northwest:
Peterson Butte (Lebanon, Oregon) report 01/24/20
4 HGs (Gabe Dinu, Jason Post, Ray Berger and me) showed up soaring Peterson today. Conditions made it easy to bench up to the top ridge due to strong south winds and smooth air. I was first to launch at noon in 20-25 mph wind (Ray and Gabe launch shortly after me); my flight lasted nearly 2 hrs and top landed. The wind dropped down to 12-15mph or less on my second flight, but still easy enough to reach the top ridge again with Jason. My air flights combined came out to being approx 3 hrs with max altitude of 2,400 ft. I think Ray's got 2,500 ft and he flew for over 2 hours. Look like Peterson and Newberg should work tomorrow morning through early afternoon too.