Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Lakeview Day Two 6/29 Wednesday.

Lakeview Day Two 6/29/16 Wednesday. 

l met up with Greg around 9:30am  at the Chamber office after breakfast.  Another Calif hang pilot Scott Huber arrived and we headed down to Sugar to join him after dropped off my car at the Base Camp Park.  We arrived Sugar launch at 12:30am and strong cycles was already blowing straight up at launch about 10-20mph (not much winds at the LZ). Certainty it was soarable but since we don't have a driver plus no retrieve vehicles at the bottom so I decided to drive for Greg.  They launched between 1:35pm to 1:55pm and both got up 500 to 1000 ft above launch. Greg landed an hour later about a mile north of New Pine Creek town (approx 15 miles north of Sugar and 15 miles south of Lakeview). Scott hired a local driver and I think he ended up a bit further north. It was only 3:30pm after I picked up Greg so we headed straight to Black Cap to get a flight. The cycles at Black Cap launch were kind of like yesterday that light and cross wind on and off sometimes but got some good thermals on the north side above Hwy 395.   Greg launched after me and he hooked up few good thermals that he was able to  made it above launch. Since he need to meet up his brother for dinner so he flew for 30 mins and landed at the campsite. My flight was shorter than Greg  and I wasn't high enough make it to the campsite so I landed at the huge field on the east side of the Hwy 395 across from our campsite with zero wind at the LZ. Forecast call for NNE tomorrow so most likely we are not going to get any flights until Friday. Or maybe drive one hour up to Hadley Butte? 


Lakeview Day one 6/28/16

Day 1 Tuesday 6/28/16

I left Portland at 6:00am and arrived Lakeview at 11:55.  I met up with Greg at the Safeway parking lot around 1:00pm and headed up to Black Cap launch (4 miles turn around) after stopping by Lake Country Chamber and both LZs (Base Camp Park & Huge field on the east side of Hwy 395 across Base Camp Park).

We launch around 3:00pm and had an extended sledder so we went back up for glass off. Unfortunately, there was no glass off today.  Greg launched first again and got another extended sledder. I was going to take off right after him but the winds turned more north (too cross from the right side) and it appeared to be sled ride so I decided not to fly.  I stay at Base Camp Park. They have special rate for pilots which only cost $10 including Wifi and shower.  Very convenient campsite. Can see the geyser from the campsite too.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Lakeview Oregon Festival of Free Flight 2016

I just received an email from Lakeview Lake County Chamber. They are in the process of making a forum on the website but it's not ready for this season. I should stick with my plan heading down on Tuesday and looking forward to fly either Black Cap or Sugar. Here are some maps and direction of the 5 sites in the area with the itinerary for the Festival of Free Flight this coming weekend. 

Here is the website links. 

Sites map:  

Camp site information: 
Lake County Fairgrounds
1900 North 4th Street Lakeview, Oregon 97630

Base Camp RV

For the best route to Lakeview:

Since I've not flown there, so please don't ask me if you have anymore question. 


Ray B got the  updated information regarding of Sugar Primary LZ situation from Lakeview local pilot Roger Johnson: 

The good news  is that the landowner has agreed to look at all the insurance info and was interested in “taking up the offer of insurance”. This is a distinct improvement as they have not answered any emails or personal letters that have sent them.  He was pretty pissed off last year and not available to talk about it.

   So the answer to the question < Is lz officially off limits or just during the 4th?>  Yes. Tule has told the Kramers (landowners) that the Chamber will not run the Trophy Dash from Sugar.   I think folks that are not experienced at Sugar and/or XC should fly somewhere else.  If any one does go into the bail out it would be good to tear down out of sight of the road as much as is possible and do it quick and exit, and more importantly try not to get multiple gliders in the bail out.

   It would be nice not to piss the guy off now. Hoping that we will hear from him in time for the festival, but unlikely at this late hour.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

2 hrs flight at Bingen, Washington 6/25/16

Today (6/25/16) was a good day at Bingen, Washington, conditions was light but thermic. Most of the paragliders (maybe 10 or more) launched before 1pm ended with short flights. They flew later and it turned more consistent and soarable, so everyone soared. Jim Baldo (Paraglider) found some good thermals and got really high; stayed up a long time and top landed once. Seattle hang glider pilot Colin (his first flight at Bingen) and myself were the only hangs today. We launched at 4pm, with my flight lasting over 2 hrs and 1.5+hrs for Colin. We both got above launch and crossed over the Columbia river to the Oregon side. I topped out 800ft above launch (3,100ft MSL). There were starting a lot of whitecaps and gusty winds at the LZ right after I landed. Paraglider Steve Carpentier launched around 6:30pm and the winds were much stronger than earlier. I saw him park and I tried to radio him but l think he turn off his radio. I left the LZ at 7:00pm and Steve was still in the air. It was an awesome day!

Landing video

Video link: 

Bingen information: 
Bingen is a hike up site located across from Hood River on the WA side. The LZ is by the river. I made a video few years ago  here-- > 

as you can see about 1/4 mile easy walk from the road to the south launch. For hang glider pilot , you need to have a kayak cart in order to get to the launch.  For more information you can click on the below link, Let me know if you can't open the pictures and video.

LZ address: E Columbia River Way, Cook, WA 98605

Sunday, June 19, 2016

3 hrs 2 flight at Dog 6/19/16 & got Skunked at CLO 6/20/16

3 hrs 2 flight at Dog 6/19/16 & got Skunked at CLO 6/20/16

The winds just stayed really light (0-3mph) so we didn't fly. One para took two smooth sledders. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

2 hrs/ 2 flights at Oceanside 06/18/16

Great day at Oceanside for hangs and paras. I flew for 2 hrs and topped out 1,200ft AGL. This is the report from Ray Berger:

Soarable all day but not real good altitudes until squall slowly advanced late in day. I flew 2 hours with Rick Lai, Johnathon, and paragliders Reed, Jim Baldo, Oleg, Mike Canifax, John Kraske, and other paraglider. Reed and Jim Baldo flew down to Cape Meares, soared, almost made it back. After about 1:40 I flew down to Happy Camp and Netarts and got my highest for day. Rick landed after me just escaping the rain . Beautiful sunny day at beach/Oceanside. Ray

  Video coming soon

Photos by Jonathon Severdia

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

3 hrs flight at Oceanside 6/15/16

Oceanside was awesome today.  There were six or eight paras and one hang (myself) came out to play. I flew from 12:25 to 3:15pm (almost 3hrs) in sunny blue sky with nice smooth lift conditions. It was probably 5-10 mph at launch from WSW during my whole flight and the winds turned more to straight west later therefore it was soarable from north side of the launch to Cape Meares. Jim Baldo managed to go to Cape Meares and return. I only cruise around the north side, and didn't join Jim to Cape Meares.   The top of the lift was between 800-900ft MSL (400 to 500 ft above launch) and trip to Happy Camp and return was so easy as well due to the west wind.  

Photos by Jim Baldo