Monday, June 30, 2014

2 flights 3 hrs Chelan Hang gliding flight Jun 30 to July 1, 2014

It turns out that my first flight at Chelan was one of those unforgettable flights. Aside from the 2.5 hrs of XC epic air time conditions, I witnessed a paraglider deploying his reserves right below me. We were both in the same strong thermal, but his wing started to spiral and it got out of control.... few second later, his reserves were deployed and he landed not too far from launch escaping injuries. Hopefully my GoPro captured that intense moment, which I'll post to share later. The highest altitude I had gotten was aprox 8500ft . Thanks to Jim Steel who provided an LZ intro and a ride up to launch. Also, for granting me the site information, thanks to: Lenny, Aaron Rinn, Ken and many others.


I witnessed a paraglider deploying his reserves right below me. We were both in the same strong thermal, but his wing started to spiral and it got out of control.... few second later, his reserves were deployed and he landed not too far from launch escaping injuries.


July 1st 2014 was another exciting day at Chelan. A lot of hang waiting and some packed up since conditions were iffy. After a few hrs of hang waiting, conditions had calmed and I decided to get a sledder. I did a no wind launch and aimed for the LZ. Unfortunately, I came across a lot of sinky air which caused losing altitude fast,so instead of landing at the soccer LZ, I landed one mile south of the empty field (right next to the railroad-See the Google map below)

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