Saturday, November 4, 2017

1.5 hour 11/04/17 Upper Peterson

Clouds surfing video at Peterson Butte (Lebanon,OR)
Youtube link:

Rick Weber & I showed up at Mr Rocky's property (Upper launch LZ) around 9:30am and found no wind. At the upper launch (1,000ft AGL) , the wind was coming up the hill nicely but was pretty weak, so we hang waited for about 1.5 hours for conditions to get stronger. At around noon, Rick W went first and I followed in approx 10mph SSW (a bit cross from right). We experienced plenty of smooth ridge lifts for an easy climb to 800ft over launch and lots of clouds rolling in below us for some enjoyable cloud surfing sessions. We boated around the butte between 800 to 1,100 ft over the upper launch (2,300ft MSL) during the flight. There was 2-3 PGs in the air earlier who didn't bench up to the upper launch? and also they didn't stay up too long either. I think the wind got too strong for them. Wind speed kept increasing and it became more chilly so we ended our flight after 1.5 hrs later. It feel like blowing 25-30mph at 2,300 ft MSL. Craig DeMott ( HG pilot) punched off at the lower launch when I was out to land, so he had the entire lower butte by himself and a nice soarable flight too. After I landed , l didn't see Craig or anyone in the air.

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