Wednesday, January 27, 2016

3 flights 1 hour air time at Chehalem (Newberg, OR) 1/27/16

Today report:  I was the only hang today along with 5-7 other paras who flew Chehalem Ridge (Newberg, Oregon). Thanks to Gregg, Dave B, and John for driving my car down, which allowed me to get 3 flights (2 soarable/ 1 sledder) in today. The winds at launch never exceed 15mph and it was pretty much dead calm at the LZ whole day. I launched around 11:00am right after Eric M. The winds were around 3 mph with gusts up to 8mph, I gained 50ft above launch quickly and also ran into a lot of sink too.Eric was able to maintain for more than half an hour and I was up for about 15 mins on the first flight. We then went back up again, and the winds became stronger than earlier. It was blowing 6-13 mph around 1pm at launch so we launched again. This time I gained 200 to 300ft above launch easily but the air was quite turbulence. I flew back and forth above launch for a while and got bored, so I headed towards the LZ after 40 mins of air time. The east winds crossing the valley made the ridge lifts not so enjoyable. I took another sledder around 4:00pm. All and all, it was a good day with 3 flights and over an hour of air time.

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